Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Awake My Soul, An Offering Bring

Awake My Soul, An Offering Bring

Lyrics Of The Song Awake My Soul, An Offering Bring

Song ID 2350

awake my soul an offring bring to Jesus our exalted king sing to him who reigns above incarnate fount of grace and love sing to him who reigns above incarnate fount of grace and love in awe we stand upon this ground his wisdom and his powr astound all his wonders we behold in heavn and earth his storys told all his wonders we behold in heavn and earth his storys told then to this world behold what grace he comes to rescue adams race our redeemer our high priest from sin and death he brings release our redeemer our high priest from sin and death he brings release awake my soul arise and sing eternal praise to christ our king in his church his name confessed we worship him among the blessed in his church his name confessed we worship him among the blessed

Awake My Soul, An Offering Bring.mp3

Awake My Soul, An Offering Bring.video.mp4 YouTube


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