Lyrics Of The Song Camping In Canaan’s Land
Song ID 2702
i have left the land of bondage with its earthly treasures ive journeyed to a place where there is love on every hand but ive landed safe at home where i shall not grow weary im camping im camping in canaans happy land every day im camping in the land of canaan and with rapture i survey its wondrous beauties grand glory hallelujah i have found the land of promise im camping im camping in canaanns happy land out of egypt i have traveled thru the darkness dreary far over hills and valleys and across the desert sands but ive landed safe at home where i shall not grow weary im camping im camping in canaans happy land yes ive reached the land of promise with its scenes of glory my journey ended in a place so lovely and so grand ive been led by Jesus to this blessed land of story im camping im camping in canaans happy land
Camping In Canaan’s YouTube
Hits: 8