Lyrics Of The Song Come Holy Ghost, God and Lord
Song ID 3959
come holy spirit Lord our God and pour thy gifts of grace abroad thy faithful people fill with blessing loves fire their hearts possessing o Lord thou by thy heavnly light dost gather and in faith unite through all the world a holy nation to sing to thee with exultation hallelujah hallelujah o holiest light o rock adored give us thy light thy living word to God himself our spirits leading with him as children pleading from error Lord our souls defend that they on christ alone attend in him with faith unfeigned abiding in him with all their might confiding hallelujah hallelujah o holiest fire o source of rest grant that with joy and hope possest and in thy service kept forever naught us from thee may sever Lord may thy powr prepare each heart to our weak nature strength impart onward to press our foes defying to thee through living and through dying hallelujah hallelujah
Come Holy Ghost, God and Lord.mp3
Come Holy Ghost, God and YouTube
Hits: 17