
Lyrics Of The Song Embers

Song ID 1679

a spark in the night a flame of hope spirit of God within my soul alive within my heart the life in my bones you lifted my eyes towards you Lord teaching my heart to draw in close to the all consuming God our great unending hope as ember fans into flame im revived within your name your spirit lives within me your spirit lives within me this fire burns in my soul let the light of heaven glow for all the earth to see you all the earth to see you spirit leading me each day casting a light to lead the way my God stay the path you call me onwards here in all holiness on earth blazing forever glorious youre the all consuming God our great unending hope for all of this life your spirit ignites a heavenly fire untouched by the night you opened our eyes turned death into life revealing all truth theres no one like you


Embers.video.mp4 YouTube


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