
Lyrics Of The Song Grace

Song ID 3145

its by the grace of God that we are saved the gift of God who paid the price for our sin not of works but christ christ died on the cross thats grace your grace is sufficient for us so were standing assured of the love that it can only be Jesus his strength is made perfect in our weakness for when i am weak i am strong im strong im strong thats grace grace your grace that kept us throughout the years throughout the changing seasons you were always there and now we have gathered to give you the praise for your grace your grace your grace bridge couldnt have made it without you Jesus ooo your grace has brought us this far couldnt have made it without you Jesus your grace is sufficient sufficient for us repeat 5x its your grace we give you the praise we thank you for all of the grace that youve shown to us repeat 3x thank you for grace

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Hits: 8

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