Lyrics Of The Song Here In Your Presence
Song ID 3775
dsus4 found in your ha d nds fu dsus2 llness of joy d em7 every fear suddenly d f wiped a g way here in you dsus4 r prese d nce dsus4 all of my g d ains dsus2 now fade aw d ay em7 every crown no longe d f r on dis g play here in your dsus4 presen d ce bm heaven is tre a mbling in awe of your wo g nders bm the kings and their kin a gdoms are standing am g azed here in your dsus2 presence d we are und a c one here in your pr bm7 esence a heaven and earth become on g e here in your dsus2 presence d all things are a c new here in your p bm7 resence a everything bows before y g ou won bm derful bea a utiful glo g rious mat d f chless in every way won bm derful bea a utiful glo g rious mat d f chless in every w g ay a
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Hits: 16