Lyrics Of The Song I am in the race
Song ID 1172
well i know Lord its true youre the answer to my troubles youre the author and the finisher of my faith the anchor of my life im gonna trust you my redeemer my desire precious Jesus youre familiar with my weakness and i fix my hope upon you Jesus youre the author and finisher of my faith i will trust in you all the days of my life and im gonna reach to my home im in the race moving on to you father no more turning back im in the race to my destiny im in the race moving on to you father no more turning back im in the race to my destiny until i see you my redeemer until i see the man who died for me i will never lose my way cause im in the race to my destiny for i believe my savior you live im gonna run the race before me step by step to the winning line im in the race to my father
I am in the YouTube
Hits: 15