Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics If I Hadn’t Been Blessed

If I Hadn’t Been Blessed

Lyrics Of The Song If I Hadn’t Been Blessed

Song ID 1688

liv in in the ghet to wasn nt much fun not ma ny trees and no where to run i nev er knew my dad dy and he nev er knew me liv in in a world of knives and guns its hard to know when to trust some one and when your mom mas up fly ing high all you can do is pray she does nt die if God had nt stay ed and stood by me on ly the dev il would know where id be my life would be no thing but a great big mess if it was nt for God and if i hadnt been bless ed my life was rough but i pull ed through i lived a life you wouldnt want for you i said my pray ers and made some plans i wash ed dir ty dish es and scrubb ed some pans if God had nt stay ed and stood by me on ly the dev il would know where id be my life would be no thing but a great big mess if it was nt for God and if i hadnt been bless ed

If I Hadn’t Been Blessed.mp3

If I Hadn’t Been Blessed.video.mp4 YouTube


Hits: 9

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