Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics In the Midst of Earthly Life

In the Midst of Earthly Life

Lyrics Of The Song In the Midst of Earthly Life

Song ID 3489

though in midst of life we be snares of death surround us where shall we for succor flee lest our foes confound us to thee alone our savior we mourn our grievous sin which hath stirrd the fire of thy fierce wrath holy and gracious God holy and mighty God holy and all merciful savior thou eternal God save us Lord from sinking in the deep and bitter flood kyrie eleison whilst in midst of death we be hells grim jaws oertake us who from such distress will free who secure will make us thou only Lord canst do it it moves thy tender heart to see our great sin and misery holy and gracious God holy and mighty God holy and all merciful savior thou eternal God let not hell dismay us with its deep and burning flood kyrie eleison into hells fierce agony sin doth headlong drive us where shall we for succor flee who o who will hide us thou only blessed saviour thy precious blood was shed to win peace and pardon for our sin holy and gracious God holy and mighty God holy and all merciful savior let us not we pray from the true faiths comfort fall in our last need away kyrie eleison

In the Midst of Earthly Life.mp3

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