Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Jesus Sinners Doth Receive

Jesus Sinners Doth Receive

Lyrics Of The Song Jesus Sinners Doth Receive

Song ID 1087

Jesus sinners doth receive well may we this saying ponder who in sins delusions live and from God and heaven wander here is hope for all who grieve Jesus sinners doth receive we deserve but grief and shame yet his words rich grace revealing pardon peace and life proclaim here their ills have perfect healing who with humble hearts believe Jesus sinners doth receive as the shepherd seeks to find his lost sheep that from him strayeth so hath christ each soul in mind and for its salvation prayeth fain hed have each wandrer live Jesus sinners doth receive come then all by guilt oppressed Jesus calls and he would make you Gods own children pure and blest and to glory he would take you think on this and well believe Jesus sinners doth receive savior now i come to thee great my sins a weary burden wilt thou mercy show to me can i hope to find a pardon i will trust my soul relieve me a sinner Lord receive rich thy mercy strangely good o how oft have i offended but through thy redeeming blood all my fear of wrath is ended yes i now can witness give Jesus sinners doth receive now my conscience is at peace from the law i stand acquitted christ hath purchased my release and my every sin remitted naught remains my soul to grieve Jesus sinners doth receive Jesus sinners doth receive happy in his ceaseless favor here for heaven i will live there shall live with him forever joy in death these tidings give Jesus sinners doth receive

Jesus Sinners Doth Receive.mp3

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