Lyrics Of The Song Jesus Thank You
Song ID 3924
the my em7 stery of the c2 cross i cannot g b comprehe d2 nd the a c2 gonies of g b calv dsus ary d em7 you the perfect c2 holy one g b crushed your d2 son am7 drank the bitter g b cup reserved for dsus me d d your g blood has d2 washed away my em7 sin Jesus c2 thank you the g fathers wrath compl d2 etely satisf em7 ied Jesus c2 thank you em7 once your en d f emy now g seated g b at your ta c2 ble Jesus dsus thank d g b you c2 dsus d d g b c2 dsus d by you em7 r perfect sac c2 rifice ive bee g b n brough d2 t near your c2 enemy you g b ve m dsus ade you d r friend em7 pouring out the c2 riches of g b your gloriou d2 s grace am7 your mercy and y g b our kindness know dsus no e d nd d em7 lover d f of my g soul c2 i want to g b live d2 for c2 you c2 repeat 4x
Jesus Thank YouTube
Hits: 21