Lyrics Of The Song Jesus Wants All Of His Children
Song ID 416
Jesus wants all of his children to be good and true he will help if we but ask him help us gladly too Jesus was so meek and lowly as a little child we will try to be like Jesus gentle patient mild Jesus wants us to be loving helping when we may we will try to be kindhearted merciful each day blessed are the pure in heart thus the savior taught clean in mind in soul in body pure in every thought when we find our friends are angry we will to them say Jesus wants you to be loving each and every day when i know that i have done wrong to Jesus i flee he has paid for all transgressions he has paid for me Jesus knew that we would fail him so he came to be life to all the poor and lost ones life eternally
Jesus Wants All Of His Children.mp3
Jesus Wants All Of His YouTube
Hits: 11