Lyrics Of The Song Jesus, You Have Been Good To Me
Song ID 2525
Jesus youve been good to me Jesus youve been good to me Jesus youve been good to me youve been good ever so good you have been good so good to me once i met a man when i was oppressed by sin he opened up his heart and he let me come in he lifted me from wrong and sent me on a new way i feel so good so new and strong all i can say is now ill tell you about this man hes been so good hes always at my side just like he said he would and when i grow weak and fall hes there to grab my hand you choose your ground but i know on him i will forever stand because now all you people here you know of his love you know its not an earthly thing its sent from up up above i know hes been good to you cause youre here today he spared your life when he died for you all you should say is
Jesus, You Have Been Good To Me.mp3
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Hits: 3