Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Keep Believing

Keep Believing

Lyrics Of The Song Keep Believing

Song ID 1930

when troubles rise and catch you unaware the day to day of living seems unfair so you try again all your dreams and plans but they end up in defeat the fancy frills that once brought thrills now leave you incomplete and you wonder where youre lifes gone wrong and why you cant find peace your hopes not gone its just been too long since youve had to believe keep believing in what you know is true keep believing you know the Lord will see you through when troubles rise in your life and you dont know what to do youll be fine if you just keep believing the enemy can only bring defeat if he can somehow shake what we believe so our faith cannot be based upon only what we see or feel and the circumstances cannot change what our hearts know to be real so when doubts arise and cloud your mind my friend dont be deceived for with a knowledge of the word of God in our hearts we can believe you can take God at his word he is faithful kind and true not a prayer will go unanswered in his time hell see you through if youre looking for answers and you cant find your way and the enemy tells you that theres no need to pray you just remember God is faithful and his word is true everything hes promised is what hes going to do and youll be fine if you just keep believing

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