Lyrics Of The Song Kyrie Eleison – Lord Have Mercy
Song ID 3892
kyrie eleison have mercy christ eleison have mercy kyrie eleison have mercy christ eleison have mercy as we come before you with the needs of our world we confess our failures and our sin for our words are many yet our deeds have been few fan the fire of compassion once again when the cries of victims go unheard in the land and the scars of war refuse to heal will we stand for justice to empower the weak till their bonds of oppression are no more if we love our God with all our heart mind and strength and we love our neighbors as ourselves then this law of love will heal the nations of earth and the glory of christ will be revealed Lord renew our vision to be christ where we live to reach out in mercy to the lost for each cup of kindness to the least in our midst is an offering of worship to the throne
Kyrie Eleison – Lord Have Mercy.mp3
Kyrie Eleison – Lord Have YouTube
Hits: 20