Lyrics Of The Song Let Us Love And Sing And Wonder
Song ID 33
g let us love and sing and d wonder em let us praise the saviors n c ame d g he has hushed the laws loud thu d nder em he has quenched mount c sinais flame he has em washed us with his c blood he has em washed us with his c blood he has em washed us with his c blood he has d brought us nigh to g go d d em c g let us love the Lord who d bought us em pitied us when enemies c d g called us by his grace and taugh d t us em gave us ears and gave c us eyes em he has washed us with c his blood em he has washed us with c his blood em he has washed us with c his blood he pres d ents our souls to g g od d em c g let us sing though fierc d e temptation em threaten hard to bear us dow c n d g for the Lord our strong salvati d on em hol c ds in view the conqurors crown em he who washed us with c his blood em he who washed us with c his blood em he who washed us with c his blood soon wi d ll bring us home to g g d od em c g let us wonder grace and d justice em join and point to mercys st c ore d g when through grace in christ our d trust is em justice smiles and ask c s no more em he who washed us with c his blood em he who washed us with c his blood em he who washed us with c his blood has sec d ured our way to God g d em c g let us praise and join t d he chorus em of the saints enthroned on h c igh d g here they trusted him before us d em now their praises fill c the sky em thou hast washed us wi c th thy blood em thou hast washed us wi c th thy blood em thou hast washed us wi c th thy blood thou ar d t worthy lamb of go g d d em c
Let Us Love And Sing And Wonder.mp3
Let Us Love And Sing And YouTube
Hits: 14