Lyrics Of The Song My Everything
Song ID 31
g when i think am7 of you c9 and all that youve done dsus for me g all the suffering youve am7 been through c9 im humbl dsus ed d why would you even care for someone so undeserving the cross yet you chose to bear im speechless g you are all i nee em d my every am7 thing je cm sus your blood g has purchased em me my e am7 verything my ev cm erything em i just surren bm der all of my li c9 fe and let you dsus guide me with your hands em my heart just wants bm to say i love c9 you i love cm you g Jesus i love em you i need you my heart am7 and my soul i give dsus you cont d rol g oh Lord i love em you i need you my heart am7 and my soul they thirst cm for you
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Hits: 13