My Peace

Lyrics Of The Song My Peace

Song ID 1577

father we speak your peace over our lives and families let your peace arise and calm the stormy waters thank you blessed father may your name be praised hallelujah the floods have lifted up their voice the storm is raging angrily but the Lord is mightierthan the noise of many waters jehovah shalom you are my peace the floods have lifted their voice the storm is raging angrily but the Lord is mightierthan the noise of many waters jehovah shalom you are my peace you are my peaceeveryday you are my peaceeverytime oke mmri na agbogwe the mighty flood that destroys the bridge you are mightier than the floods jehovah shalom you are my peaceeveryday you are my peaceeverytime oke mmri na agbogwe the mighty flood that destroys the bridge you are mightier than the floods jehovah shalom you are my peace when the journey seems so dark when the waves seem so strong i will trust in you cos you have never failed jehovah shalom you are my peace when the journey seems so dark when waves seem so strong i will trust in you cos you have never failed jehovah shalom you are my peace back to chorus 2 outro call jehovah shalom response you are my peace call jehovah shalom resp you are my peace call every day everytime oh oh oh oh oh oh resp you are my peace call the prince of peace you are the prince of peace everyday resp you are my peace call e bu udo m oh you are my peace e bu udo m oh oh you are my peace all you are my peace

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