Lyrics Of The Song O Be Glad All Nations on Earth
Song ID 1221
o be glad all nations on earth come let Jesus name be praised he is crowned the king of glory at Gods right hand he is raised angels bowing down before him singing with the heavnly throng elders casting crowns before him singing an eternal song great and marvelous are your works just and true are all your ways all the nations bow in worship king of kings your name they praise angels bowing down before him singing with the heavnly throng elders casting crowns before him singing an eternal song when shall heavn and earth together walk before the lamb its light when shall all the saints be gathered and that day shall end the night angels bowing down before him singing with the heavnly throng elders casting crowns before him singing an eternal song lo that day shall come with glory when christ comes with trumpet sound then the saints will cease their groaning never more by deaths chains bound let us all bow down before him sing o sing theternal song work in hope until we meet him and we join the heavnly throng
O Be Glad All Nations on Earth.mp3
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Hits: 9