Lyrics Of The Song Odi Uko Na Mba
Song ID 972
oduko na mmba you alone are God o oduko na mmba you rule the world x2 ive come this far because of you i am what i am all because of you echeta obi esiemu ike ive seen both the great and small yet none compares to you all knowing God o dependable God o sufficient God ive found none like you ammamma amasiamasi you are bigger than what people call you asoro mata se eleburu ike oduko na mmba you alone are God o oduko na mmba you rule the worldx2 vamp all oduko na mmba call one in a million all oduko na mmba call thats what i call you o God all oduko na mmba call cos ive gone to and fro all oduko na mmba call nobody like you o God all oduko na mmba call you are the great and mighty God all oduko na mmba call you are sovereign God all oduko na mmba call theres nobody like you o God all oduko na mmba call echeta obi esiemu ike all oduko na mmba call okwagi bunu is nken ndu all oduko na mmba call anya ne le uwa le all oduko na mmba call great and mighty God all oduko na mmba call you are the lion of the tribe of judah all oduko na mmba call nobodyx3 is like you o God all oduko na mmba one in a million o God x4
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