Lyrics Of The Song Only You Can Do What No Man Can Do
Song ID 1208
only you can do what no man can do only you can say what no man can say only you can change any situation at all only you are able daddy only you are capable jehovah you are doing the same today just you walked the streets of galilee and like you healed the sick and raised the dead like you saved lazarus comfort comfort you are doing the same today oh God my promoter Jesus my promoter opening every door fighting all my battles healing the broken heartache you are doing the same today say he is capable the resurrection and the life Jesus Jesus the son of God the word of God Jesus only you can make the blind to see Jesus Jesus only you can make the lame to walk again Jesus Jesus only you can make the dead to rise up Jesus Jesus my promoter Jesus
Only You Can Do What No Man Can Do.mp3
Only You Can Do What No Man Can YouTube
Hits: 9