Lyrics Of The Song ONLY YOU Jesus lyrics by Ada Ehi
Song ID 572
Jesus said to her i am the resurrection and the life he that believes in me though he were dead yet shall he live john 11 25 then Jesus said did i not tell you that if you that if you believe you will see the glory of God john 11 40 Jesus cried with in a loud voice lazarus come forth and he that was dead came forth bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face was bound with a napkin Jesus said unto them loose him and let him go john 11 43 44 hallelujah where ever you are who ever you may be what ever you require no matter the situation or however long it may have been he has said in jeremiah 32 27 behold i am the Lord the God of all flesh is there any thing too hard for me call his name by faith over any situation and receive your miracle for he is capable
ONLY YOU Jesus lyrics by Ada Ehi.mp3
ONLY YOU Jesus lyrics by Ada YouTube
Hits: 12