Lyrics Of The Song Oshimiri Atata
Song ID 2119
oshimiri atata the well river that never runs dry oshimiri atata the river that never runs dry oshimiri atata the river that never runs dry oshimiri atata the river that never runs dry whenever i call you youre always there as my source oshimiri atata whenever im in need you will supply my every need oshimiri atata whenever im broken youre there to heal me as my healer oshimiri atata oh oshimiri atata my everlasting God oh oshimiri atata can you lift your voice oshimiri atata call him oshimiri atata call him oshimiri atata your God oshimiri atata dependable God river that never runs dry never runs dry river that never runs dry no matter how much we draw from you you can never run dry river that never runs dry men may disappoint yes and people may fail me you alone will stay oshimiri atata the doctors may give up and say its all over in thee i put my trust yeah oshimiri atata mountain mover way maker ekueme he who says and does oshimiri atata oh oshimiri atata everybody lift your voice oh oshimiri atata jehova moh my Lord oshimiri atata chukwu oluebube God that does great things oshimiri atata you can give all things oshimiri atata and can never run dry oshimiri atata chukwuebuka great God river that never runs dry da lu oh river that never runs dry da lu oh river that never runs dry you can never run dry river that never runs dry oshimiri atata oshimiri atata akam di ne lu eh oshimiri atata jehova moh oshimiri atata my eyes are on you God oshimiri atata youd never leave me oshimiri atata never forsake me God oshimiri atata i give my all to you God oshimiri atata lover of my soul oshimiri atata oshimiri atata the well that never runs dry
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