Lyrics Of The Song Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn
Song ID 917
sing o sing this blessed morn unto us a child is born unto us a son is givn God himself comes down from heavn sing o sing this blessed morn Jesus christ today is born Jesus christ the king of kings maker of all worldly things now descends from heavn to earth to re store us by his birth sing o sing this blessed morn Jesus christ today is born God of God and light of light comes with mercies infinite joining in a wondrous plan heavn to earth and God to man sing o sing this blessed morn Jesus christ today is born God with us emmanuel deigns for ever now to dwell he on adams fallen race sheds the fullness of his grace sing o sing this blessed morn Jesus christ today is born truth and mercy show their face and with loving kiss embrace righteousness looks down from heavn God is pleased and man forgivn sing o sing this blessed morn Jesus christ today is born God comes down that man may rise lifted far above the skies he is son of man that we sons of God in him may be human flesh is now become christs abode the Godheads home royal palace sacred shrine for the majesty divine now we rise from prison free on we march to victory joyful banners are unfurled tis the birthday of the world now behold the rising sun hath his glorious race begun now the bridegroom from above weds the bride with heavenly love o renew us Lord we pray with thy spirit day by day that we ever one may be with the father and with thee sing o sing this blessed morn Jesus christ to day is born glory to the father give praise the son in whom we live glory to the spirit be Godhead one and persons three
Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn.mp3
Sing, O Sing, This Blessed YouTube
Hits: 9