Lyrics Of The Song The Apostle Looked and Heard a Voice
Song ID 3294
thapostle looked and heard a voice he saw a lamb as had been slain as angels bowed and saints gave praise these words were heard in their refrain therell be no war or foe to fight no searing sun no dread of night no more distress no more restraint no more be weak no more feel faint no more be weak no more feel faint they sigh no more gone are their fears no crying make shed no more tears they grow not old sense no more loss gone are their doubts and all their dross therell be no sin and no more stain unknown is sickness gone is pain the death of death no more the hearse the end of grief the end of curse the end of grief the end of curse these words are spoken faithfully alpha omega Lord is he for all is done and done for all for all who come for all who call come see his face his hands his feet come quench your thirst partake the feast come enter in while still you may then Jesus bring eternal day then Jesus bring eternal day
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