Lyrics Of The Song The Gospel Shows The Father’s Grace
Song ID 3737
the gospel shows the fathers grace who sent his son to save our race proclaims how Jesus lived and died that man might thus be justified it sets the lamb before our eyes who made thatoning sacrifice and calls the souls with guilt oppressed to come and find eternal rest it brings the saviors righteousness our souls to robe in royal dress from all our guilt it brings release and gives the troubled conscience peace it is the powr of God to save from sin and satan and the grave it works the faith which firmly clings to all the treasures which it brings it bears to all the tidings glad and bids their hearts no more be sad the heavy laden souls it cheers and banishes their guilty fears may we in faith its tidings learn nor thanklessly its blessings spurn may we in faith its truth confess and praise the Lord our righteousness
The Gospel Shows The Father’s Grace.mp3
The Gospel Shows The Father’s YouTube
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