The One

Lyrics Of The Song The One

Song ID 3814

everybody needs a friends someone wholl hold your hand and say youre safe with me im here to stay everybody needs a father someone wholl sweep you off your feet and meet your every single need i know the one Jesus the king a present help in your time of need hes there when you call out his name take your cares and take all your mess and place it at the cross if you find that you are lost everybody needs a saviour to pick you up when you fall down and take your pain and all your shame someone who will give you love someone wholl be your everything and sacrifice their lives for you bridge he never sleeps he never slumbers he watches over you he never tarries hes always on time brings you to victory repeat if you find that you are lost just take it to cross no matter what the cause

The One.mp3

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Hits: 17

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