Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Their Gift Came From Him

Their Gift Came From Him

Lyrics Of The Song Their Gift Came From Him

Song ID 676

for those who achieve and receive some fame theyre richly rewarded they get a famous name but do they respect the ones honoring them are they thankful to God their gift came from him they could spend their money and help those with needs they could show theyre thankful for all theyve received but there are so many who satisfies whims and they soon forget their gift came from him their through Gods eyes through Gods eyes we are all the same because from him is where we all came no one will be better than the next in line the Lords hates to see discriminating minds God doesnt see color when he looks at a man he wont ask your race before he lends a hand through Gods eyes we all look the same he can see our hurts and he feels our pain

Their Gift Came From Him.mp3

Their Gift Came From Him.video.mp4 YouTube


Hits: 10

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