Lyrics Of The Song tshala ngezinyembezi
Song ID 1176
tshala tshala ngezinyembezi sow sow with your tears tshala tshala ungakhathali sow sow and do not tire tshala tshala ngezinyembezi sow sow with your tears inkosiyezwa iyabona repeat the Lords hears you he sees you uzovuna ngaphezu kokwazi you will reap more than you expected uzothwala umqhele phakade repeat you will carry the blessing forever tshala tshala ngezinyembezi sow sow with your tears tshala tshala ungakhathali sow sow and do not tire hlala hlala hlalenkosini abide abide in the Lord hlala hlala ungakhathali abide abide and do not tire hlala hlala hlal ekholweni abide abide in faith inkosiyezwa iyabona repeat the Lords hears you he sees you uzovuna ngaphezu kokwazi you will reap more than you expected uzothwala umqhele phakade repeat you will carry the blessing forever hlala hlala hlal ekholweni abide abide in faith inkosiyezwa iyabona repeat the Lords hears you he sees you
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