Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Waambie pole

Waambie pole

Lyrics Of The Song Waambie pole

Song ID 948

response watangoja sana they will wait a long time wanaongoja kuanguka kwako those who wait for your falling wanaongoja kushindwa kwako those who wait for your defeat wanaongoja umuache Yesu those who wait for you to abandon Jesus wanaongoja uharibikiwe wacheke those who wait for your failure that they may laugh wambie pole pole pole tell them sorry sorry sorry ninaye Yesu ninaye mwokozi i have Jesus i have a savior waambie pole pole pole tell them sorry sorry sorry watangoja sana they will wait a long time Yesu alipokufa akazikwa kaburini when Jesus died and was buried wengi walicheka sana a lot of people laughed wengine walisema others scoffed si unajifanya ni mwana wa Mungu if you are the son of God hebu jifufue tukuone then resurrect yourself that we may see waliweka na walinzi walinde kaburi they put guards to guard the tomb ili Yesu asifufuke that Jesus may not ressurect waliweka na jiwe kubwa pale kaburini they placed a huge rock on the tomb ili Yesu asifufuke that Jesus may not resurrect siku ya tatu ilipofika when the third day came walinzi walishangaa the guards were amazed Yesu hayupo kaburini that Jesus was not in the tomb siku ya tatu ilipofika when the third day came walinzi walishangaa the guards were amazed Yesu hayupo kaburini amefufuka that Jesus was not in the tomb he had risen response watangoja sana they will wait a long time wanaongoja matanga yako those who await your funeral wanaongoja urudiwe kwenyu nani wateleza those who await your backsliding wanaongoja ufutwe kazi wacheke those who await your firing that they may laugh wambie pole pole pole tell them sorry sorry sorry niinaye Yesu i have Jesus usibabaike mimi nalindwa na jehova dont worry about me i am guarded by the Lord ananipigia vita he fights on my behalf watangoja sana they will wait a long time eh ni Mungu pekee yake it is to God alone analalamishwa juu yako that is complaint on about you hakuna silaha itainuka there is no weapon kinyume chako ifanikiwe that rises against you that shall prospoer maneno ya watu yasikuvunje moyo peoples word should not break your heart tegemea we utashinda utashinda depend on him and you will succeed response watangoja sana they will wait a long time wanaongoja kuanguka kwako those who await your falling wanaotaka ndoa yako ivunjike wacheke those who await your divorce that they may laugh wanaotamani ufilisike wacheke those who await your poverty that they may laugh wanaosema utakufa bila kuzaa mama those who say you will die barren mother waambie pole tell them sorry ninalindwa na jeshi la mbinguni i am guarded by the heavens army wambie pole pole pole tell them sorry sorry sorry watangoja sana they will wait a long time response watangoja sana they will wait a long time wanasema hautaolewa those who say that you will never be married wanasema utashindwa na elimu those who say that you will be defeated by education wanaofitini ushukishwe cheo those who conspire against you that youd be demoted wanaosema huwezi fika popote those who say that you will never reach anywhere waambie pole pole pole tell them sorry sorry sorry wanaotabiri wanaokuwazia those who prophesy against you watangoja sana will wait a long time ninaye Yesu nasonga mbele i have Jesus i am moving onwards nyuma sirudi tena i am not turning back watangoja sana they will wait a long time

Waambie pole.mp3

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