Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Were You There?

Were You There?

Lyrics Of The Song Were You There?

Song ID 3532

where you there when they crucified my Lord were you there when they crucified my Lord oh sometimes it causes me to tremble tremble tremble were you there when they crucified my Lord were you there when they nailed him to the tree were you there when they nailed him to the tree oh sometimes it causes me to tremble tremble tremble were you there when they nailed him to the tree were you there when they laid him in the tomb were you there when they laid him in the tomb oh sometimes it causes me to tremble tremble tremble were you there when they laid him in the tomb were you there when God raised him from the dead were you there when God raised him from the dead oh sometimes it causes me to tremble tremble tremble were you there when God raised him from the dead

Were You There?.mp3

Were You There?.video.mp4 YouTube


Hits: 11

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