Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics No Temptation

No Temptation

Lyrics Of The Song No Temptation

Song ID 3214

there is no temptation taken you but such is common to man for God is faithful my friend dont you know the sovereign God is faithful never will he allow you to be tempted above what you are able to deal with but every time youre tempted to sin my friend God will always give a way to escape so that you can bear the trial when it comes and stand up underneath temptation thats why you flee from idolatry because God is faithful to you you cant drink from the cup of the Lord and hold on to the demons chalice too you either have to drink from the cup of life or stick with the cup of death you cant have a part at the Lords table if your seat is reserved at the demons feast even Jesus taught you the same my friend you can only serve one master our forefathers were all under the cloud they all passed through the sea baptized into moses in the cloud and the sea dont forget your history they all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink they drank from the spiritual rock with them the rock was christ the king of kings but most of them displeased the Lord our God so he scattered them over the desert now these things were written as examples to us to keep our hearts pure and just twenty three thousand israelites fell because they turned away from the Lord so if you think you standing firm my friend be careful that you do not fall some them put the Lord to the test and the Lord killed many with snakes so if you think you got it made in the shade be careful that youre not a fake so that you can bear the trial when it comes and stand up underneath temptation thats why you flee from idolatry because God is faithful to you Jesus is the way the truth and the life who helps us in all of our strife hes been tempted every way as we have been but never did he fall and sin Jesus Gods son is our great high priest who has passed up through the skies so hold fast to your faith in him dont you fall for satans wicked lies lets boldly run to Gods throne of grace to receive his mercy and seek his face his grace suffices for all we need and Jesus always lives to intercede so that you can bear the trial when it comes and stand up underneath temptation thats why you flee from idolatry because God is faithful to you

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