Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics A Shelter in the Time of Storm

A Shelter in the Time of Storm

Lyrics Of The Song A Shelter in the Time of Storm

Song ID 1837

the Lords our rock in him we hide a shelter in the time of storm secure whatever ill betide a shelter in the time of storm oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a weary land a weary land oh Jesus is a rock in a weary land a shelter in the time of storm a shade by day defense by night a shelter in the time of storm no fears alarm no foes affright a shelter in the time of storm the ragging storms may round us beat a shelter in the time of storm well never leave our safe retreat a shelter in the time of storm o rock devine o refuge dear a shelter in the time of storm be thou our helper ever near a shelter in the time of storm

A Shelter in the Time of Storm.mp3

A Shelter in the Time of Storm.video.mp4 YouTube


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