Lyrics Of The Song Athuri Magatiga Maundu Manene
Song ID 832
marugire Jesu marugire Jesu marugire Jesu marugire Jesu athuri magatiga maundu manene magatiga mothe marugire Jesu athuri magatiga maundu manene magatiga mothe marugire Jesu atumia magatiga maundu manene magatiga mothe marugire Jesu atumia magatiga maundu manene magatiga mothe marugire Jesu airitu magatiga maundu manene magatiga mothe marugire Jesu airitu magatiga maundu manene magatiga mothe marugire Jesu anake magatiga maundu manene magatiga mothe marugire Jesu anake magatiga maundu manene magatiga mothe marugire Jesu
Athuri Magatiga Maundu Manene.mp3
Athuri Magatiga Maundu YouTube
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