Caught Up

Lyrics Of The Song Caught Up

Song ID 509

tho we may not know the moment when our blessed Lord shall come to receive us to mansions over there yet we know twill not be long before he takes his loved ones home and were caught up to meet him in the air well be caught up to meet him in the air well be caught up his blessedness to share very soon he will come to take his people home and well be caught up to meet him in the air there are times when we are called to wade thro waters deep and wide and the sorrows of christ himself to share we remember he has promised to be ever at our side till were caught up to meet him ini the air then eternal years in glory with our savior we will spend o we long for that morning bright and fair when the days of our sojourning and our pilgrimage shall end well be caught up to meet him in the air

Caught Up.mp3

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Hits: 6

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