Feed On Me

Lyrics Of The Song Feed On Me

Song ID 3115

c bounty original g fullness above am yielded creation f abundant in love a c garden a calling to g nurture and name am loves naked fruitfulness f hidden from shame but g there in the c fullness an f emptiness still that g he a c lone would f fill c all this i give you the g wind and the light and am soil rendered into the f bodys delight the c gift of my image the g fruit of the tree f em eed am on f me em feed am on g me f feed on c me deep in our hunger we nourished a fear what we were made for is not given here we ate the forbidden and emptiness grew swallowing all of the life that we knew but there in the exile of toil and of pain his fullness still remained all this i give you the ram and the fire and manna to answer the deserts desire the fields for the gleaning the richest fare free feed on me feed on me feed on me emptiness threatened to swallow the earth til heavens banquet came down in his birth now false food forsaking he feeds us again nets full and breaking and bread gathered in but loves greatest table no angel could tell he feeds us with himself all this i give you the true bread come down a table of joy for the lost ones now found the blood and the body the deep mystery feed on me feed on me feed on me d truly we share n a ow in loves banquet song bm yet still we hung g er and cry out how long a d pilgrimage people now a making our way bm nourishing hope at this ta g ble of faith but a coming a banq d uet desire m g eets delight and a faith d gives way g to sight d all this i give you my f a ullness again the bm garden restored from th g e curses of sin the d feast of a wedding th a e flowering tree feed on me all this i give you my fullness again the bm garden restored from th g e curses of sin the d feast of a wedding th a e flowering tree f f m eed bm on g me f m feed bm on a me g feed on d me

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