Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Umwe Kuri Andu Othe One There is Above All Others

Umwe Kuri Andu Othe One There is Above All Others

Lyrics Of The Song Umwe Kuri Andu Othe One There is Above All Others

Song ID 2082

umwe kuri andu othe niatwendaga kuri andu aitu othe niatwendaga arata aitu othe a thi nimagatutiga hihi Jesu o na hingo ciothe niatwendaga kumumenya niguo muoyo niatwendaga tondu niaiyuiruo ni wega niatwendaga we niwe watugurire na thakame iria oirire akioya mehia maitu niatwendaga riu twi murata mwega niatwendaga nowe utuhonoketie niatwendaga koruo twenda Jesu muno tumuthengerere riu ekwenda tumuhikire niatwendaga tuohagiruo mehia niwe niatwendaga ni mutoria wa caitani niatwendaga niatuiguagira tha auheaga o mega agatutongoria wega niatwendaga

Umwe Kuri Andu Othe One There is Above All Others.mp3

Umwe Kuri Andu Othe One There is Above All Others.video.mp4 YouTube


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