Lyrics Of The Song Forever – Kari Jobe
Song ID 3311
g the moon and stars they w d ept the morning sun was em dead the savior of the wo c rld was fallen g his body on the cr d oss his blood poured out for em us the weight of every cu c rse upon him g one final breath he g d ave as heaven looked em away the son of God was l c aid in darkness g a battle in the gr d ave the war on death was w em aged the power of hell for c ever broken g the ground began to sh d ake the stone was rolled em away his perfect love could n c ot be overcome g now death where is your st d ing our resurrected em king has rendered you def c eated forever he g is glorified d fo em rever he is l c ifted high for g ever he is r d isen he is a em live he is al c ive g we sing hallel d ujah we sing halle em lujah we sing hallel c ujah the lamb has overc g ome g we sing hallel d ujah we sing halle am lujah we sing hallel c ujah the lamb has ove c rcome
Forever – Kari YouTube
Hits: 16