Lyrics Of The Song From The Inside Out
Song ID 1190
a thousand f times ive failed still your me c rcy remains g and should i f stumble again im caught c in your gr g ace everl am asting your li f ght will shine when c all else fa g des never en am ding your f glory goes bey c ond all f g ame your will a f bove all else my pur c pose remain g s the art of f losing myself in brin c ging you pr g aise everl am asting your li f ght will shine when c all else fa g des never am ending your f glory goes bey c ond all f g ame f in my heart and my soul c Lord i give you control am consume me from the g inside out Lord f let justice and praise am become my embrace g to love you from the dm inside out everl am asting your li f ght will shine when c all else fa g des never am ending your f glory goes bey c ond all f g ame and the cry c of my heart f is to bring g you pr am aise from the i f nside o g ut Lord my soul f cries g out from the i f nside o g ut Lord my f soul cries g out
From The Inside YouTube
Hits: 12