Lyrics Of The Song Holy Ghost, with Light Divine
Song ID 1676
holy ghost with light divine shine upon this heart of mine chase the shades of night away turn the darkness into day let me see my saviors face let me all his beauties trace show those glorious truths to me which are only known to thee holy ghost with powr divine cleanse this guilty heart of mine in thy mercy pity me from sins bondage set me free holy ghost with joy divine cheer this saddened heart of mine yield a sacred settled peace let it grow and still increase holy spirit all divine dwell within this heart of mine cast down every idol throne reign supreme and reign alone see to thee i yield my heart shed thy life through every part a pure temple i would be wholly dedicate to thee holy spirit truth divine dawn upon this soul of mine word of God and inward light wake my spirit clear my sight holy spirit love divine glow within this heart of mine kindle every high desire perish self in thy pure fire holy spirit power divine fill and nerve this will of mine grant that i may strongly live bravely bear and nobly strive holy spirit right divine king within my conscience reign be my Lord and i shall be firmly bound forever free holy spirit peace divine still this restless heart of mine speak to calm this tossing sea stayed in thy tranquility holy spirit joy divine gladden thou this heart of mine in the desert ways i sing spring o well forever spring now incline me to repent let me now my sins lament now my foul revolt deplore weep believe and sin no more
Holy Ghost, with Light Divine.mp3
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