Lyrics Of The Song Hosanna Praise Is Rising
Song ID 1489
g5 pra c2 ise g5 is rising eyes are turning to you we turn to you g5 hop c2 e i g5 s stirring hearts are yearning for you we long for you dadd4 cause c wh g5 en we see you we find strength to face the day dadd4 in you c r g5 pre d sence all our fears are washed away washed away g ho g5 san em na c2 ho g5 san dsus na you are the God who saves us em7 wort c2 hy of all our praises g ho g5 san em na c2 ho g5 san dsus na come have your way among us em7 we w c2 elcome you here Lord Jesus g5 hea c2 r t g5 he sound of hearts returning to you we turn to you g5 in c2 you g5 r kingdom broken lives are made new you make us new
Hosanna Praise Is YouTube
Hits: 10