Lyrics Of The Song I Can Only Imagine
Song ID 1623
i e ca emaj7 n only imagine what it will be like when i a2 walk by your side i can only e im emaj7 agine what my eyes will see when your a2 face is before me i can only e ima emaj7 gine surro a2 unded by your glory wh b at will my heart feel will i da e nce for you Jesus or in awe of you be still will i s a2 tand in your presence or to my b knees will i fall will i s e ing hallelujah will i be able to speak at all i can only a2 imagi b ne i can only e imagine i can only e ima emaj7 gine when that day comes and i f a2 ind myself standing in the son i can only e ima emaj7 gine when all i will do is for a2 ever forever worship you i can only e im emaj7 agine i can only imagine i can only e im emaj7 agine
I Can Only YouTube
Hits: 5