Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics I give You all the praise

I give You all the praise

Lyrics Of The Song I give You all the praise

Song ID 3492

million words to say so many things to do for the blessings all around me i give you all the praise million words to say so many things to do for the blessings all around me i give you all the praise in my going out your goodness all about me i testify your mercy i give you all the praise i give you all the praise all the praise all the praise i give you all the praise all the praise all the praise i give you all the praise all the praise all the praise as the deer pants for water my soul longs for you in the morning in the night time i give you all the praise in everything i say in everything i do let your glory be revealed as i give you all the praise sweet sweet holy praise in this congregation as we lift our voice in worship and give you all the praise yes i give you all the praise all the praise yes i give you all the praise all the praise you deserve all the praise all the praise you deserve my praise all the praise all the praise all the praise all the praise yes i give you all the praise all the praise yes i give you all the praise all the praise you deserve you deserve my praise i lift my hands in adoration you are so beautiful i give you all the praise i give you all the praise i give you all the praise

I give You all the praise.mp3

I give You all the praise.video.mp4 YouTube


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