Lyrics Of The Song I Lift My Hands
Song ID 3291
g be still c e there is a healer em7 his love is deep d f er than the sea g b his mercy is unf c2 ailing em7 his arms a fortre d f ss for the weak am let faith ari c se em let faith aris d f e g i lift my hands to believe again you are my em7 refuge you c are my strength as i pour out my g b heart these things i remember you are fa f ithful God c2 forever g be still there is a c e river em7 that flows from calvarys t d f ree g b a fountain for the th c2 irsty em7 your grace that washes over d f me g let faith arise let faith arise open my em7 eyes open my c eyes g b let faith arise let faith arise open my f a eyes open my c eyes g i lift my hands to believe again you are my em7 refuge you c are my strength as i pour out my g b heart these things i remember you are fa f ithful God c2 faithful God g forever
I Lift My YouTube
Hits: 15