Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Jesus Understands

Jesus Understands

Lyrics Of The Song Jesus Understands

Song ID 714

bowed beneath your burden is there none to share weary with the journey is there none to care courage wayworn traviler heed your bords commands theres a thought to cheer you Jesus understands yes he understands all his ways are best hear he calls to you come to me and rest leave the unknown future in the masters hand whether sad or joyful Jesus understands every heavy burden he will gladly share are you sad and weary jesys has a care well he know the pathway over lifes burning sands courage fainting pilgrim Jesus understands though temptation meet you Jesus can sustain life has vexing problems which he can explain serve him where he sends you though in distand lands do no doubt or question Jesus understands weary heart he calls you come to me and rest does the path grow rugged yet his way is best leave the unknown future in the masters hands whether sad or joyful Jesus understands

Jesus Understands.mp3

Jesus Understands.video.mp4 YouTube


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