Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Listen Closely, O My Heart

Listen Closely, O My Heart

Lyrics Of The Song Listen Closely, O My Heart

Song ID 2610

listen closely o my heart midst the hush of silence not in the wind or the breeze or the fire or the flood listen closely o my heart midst the hush of silence speak speak to my heart with your sweet and soft voice speak o word speak to my heart speak deep down in my heart feel feel o my heart midst the sound of silence not in the wind or the breeze or the fire or the flood feel feel o my heart midst the sound of silence touch touch touch my heart with your sweet and soft voice touch o word touch my heart touch deep down in my heart shine o my heart shine midst the powr of silence

Listen Closely, O My Heart.mp3

Listen Closely, O My Heart.video.mp4 YouTube


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