Lyrics Of The Song mustard seed
Song ID 1411
all you need a seed a mustard seed to be specific its all you need and in faith just speak and it shall be lazarus ali gone lazarus resurrecting is what you should see get a vision and call it silence ve a funa ni silence what he wants is silence wene uja kawalala that thief that you know ve a funa ni silence what he wants is silence speak what you want to see declare what you want to be osati silence not silence ve a funa ni silence what he wants is silence i am strong in the Lord and the power of his might tell a lion you cant bite ngati unga kambe na lupili if you can speak to a mountain ninshi ili na matu then it means it has ears you steps aside cause i know where my treasure is its on the other side and im here with some witnesses get to a land thats promised speak to the rock dont strike it yes you can move that mountain you can move that mountain in faith our belief was founded get to your place of promise x2 speak to the rock dont strike it x2 no delay yes you can move that mountain x2 and ive seen it move in faith our belief was founded my belief was founded speak with no delay and sing now with no delay repeat x
mustard YouTube
Hits: 9