Lyrics Of The Song Namhla Nkosi ngiyamangala
Song ID 3085
namhla nkosi ngiyamangala today Lord i am amazed umangibheka emuva when i look back kube wena wawungenami were you not with me ngabe ngasal endleleni i would have perished along the way repeat nkulunkulu uthado lwakho God your love kithina bantu lukhulu for us your people is great wanikela ngendodana you gave up your son halleluya siyabonga hallelujah we give thanks repeat sangena lapho kuthiwa we entered where it is said ongene khon akaphumi who enters here will not leave saphuma lapho kuthiwa we exited where it is said akuphunywa akuphunywa there is no way out at all repeat kube wena nkosi wawungenami were you not with me ngabe ngasal endleleni i would have perished along the way
Namhla Nkosi YouTube
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