Lyrics Of The Song No Longer Slaves
Song ID 829
bb you unravel me with a melody eb you surround me f with a son bb g bb of deliverance from my enemies till eb all my f f ears are g bb one im no eb longer a f slave to fe bb ar i gm am a f child of bb God from my mothers w bb omb you have chosen me dm eb love has f called my bb name ive been born ag bb ain into your family dm your eb blood flows f through my veins bb gm i a f m bb sur eb rounded by the arms of the father i am surrounded by songs of deliverance weve been liberated from our bondage were the sons and the daughters let us sing our freedom ohhh ohhh gm you split the s f ea so i could bb walk right eb through it gm my fears are f drowned in perfect bb love gm you rescued f me and i will bb stand and sin eb g i gm am a child f of bb God x4
No Longer YouTube
Hits: 5