Lyrics Of The Song O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Song ID 2086
o sa f cred head now w g ound c ed with g am rief and sh e ame bowd d am own now s f cornfully surr g ound c ed with t am horns thine o e nly c am rown o s em acred head what f glo c ry what b f liss till now was th a ine yet t g hough despised and d go g ry i j f oy to c g all thee m c ine what thou my Lord has suffered was all for sinners fain mine mine was the transgression but thine the deadly pain lo here i fall my savior tis i deserve thy place look on me with thy favor vouchsafe to me thy grace what language shall i borrow to thank thee dearest friend for this thy dying sorrow thy pity without end o make me thine forever and should i fainting be Lord let me never never outlive my love to thee
O Sacred Head Now YouTube
Hits: 10